Learn photography - lesson outline 

One to one tuition

With a mixture of theory and practical demonstrations the course covers from basic photography, through to more advanced digital techniques such as exposure compensation, usage of histograms and RAW files. 

It is split into three separate sessions run on separate days.

Each session is run individually and combined make up the whole course.  

Flexible Learning

Comfortable with your camera and want to move onto the next level?  Then you can opt to just jump in on the part two and/or part three courses, or we can mix an match any of the outline into a session that's most relevant to you.

 Users will be able to handle the demo camera to practice basic skills, or we will link your own camera into the tethered display (subject to camera compatibility with software plugins)

Enquiries and bookings can be sent using a simple contact form.  I'll get back to you to discuss dates and availabilty.


Part 1  - duration two hours.  Price: £65.00

Line up of cameras vintage to modern.  For those new to photography, it is recommended that the Part 1 class is attended first in which we go back to basics and introduce the exposure triangle, the f-stop/aperture and depth of field.

All demonstrations will be undertaken using a reference camera linked to a projected display.

Reference materials used during the lesson will be provided by email.


Part 2 - duration two hours.  Price: £65.00

Following on from the Part 1 class, we review the exposure triangle and priority modes, relating these to our cameras and consider the combination of drive modes and auto-focus, particularly looking at the auto-focus configurations available.  We also look at image sizing, histograms and white balance.


Attendees are encouraged to apply the basic principles learnt to their own cameras, (with support from myself). Camera manuals, (where available), will be available for reference.

All demonstrations will be undertaken using a reference camera linked to a projected display.

Reference materials used during the lesson will be provided by email.

Part 3 - duration two hours.  Price: £65.00 

In this final class we review the learning to date before moving on to looking at how the camera meters light, dynamic range and how to work round it.

We'll discuss the pro's and con's of the RAW and JPEG file formats, and also look in depth at the use of exposure compensation and picture styles to create an image that's closer to your vision.

Camera manuals, (where available), will be available for reference and time permitting, attendees will be able to undertake practical exercises with their cameras.

All demonstrations will be undertaken using a reference camera linked to a projected display.

Reference materials used during the lesson will be provided by email.